Different types of affairs

Affairs can be placed into six different categories. The 6 different kinds of affairs relate to lust, revenge, emotional attachments, forbidden fruit, seeking out new relationships via affairs, and soul mates. Men choose to indulge in affairs for many different reasons, that may or may not result in being caught out, however if you have […]

How to end your affair

The reasons to end an affair are numerous. The most common reason to end your affair is your partner starts imagining it has become some sort of serious relationship instead of the affair that it is. He becomes needy and starts texting and calling all the time. So what seemed like a great idea at […]

How to get over Affair Guilt

You’ve cheated on your wife, and now you’re wracked with guilt. You’re asking yourself why you did it and wondering weather or not to fess up to the affair or keep it on the DL. This just might send you nuts if you don’t know how to get passed it! The reasons why men cheat […]

Reasons Why People Cheat

There are plenty of reasons why people go down the cheating path, but the main reasons are physical and emotional desires that aren’t being met with their husbands or wives. Some people suffer through years of unfulfillment and finally cheat. Others realize earlier on that their not getting what they need and go out looking […]

Signs she may be cheating on you

Affairs happen for plenty of different reasons, and all types of people cheat. Why these people cheat, can be narrowed down to two factors. Circumstance and opportunity. Circumstance simply means there is something fueling the desirer to cheat on a partner. And opportunity means the chance to have an affair presented itself. There are plenty […]

What women look for on affair dating sites

I was lucky enough to convince 6 women to answer some questions about what they are looking for in a man on affair hook-up sites. This is invaluable information! If you know what woman are looking for, you can help shape your image to because their ideal mates. I focused on the 3 most common […]

Why We Have Affairs Q and A

There are plenty of reasons why people have affairs. According to various research I conducted on the net, I’ve uncovered that in the majority of married couples one partner will in fact cheat on their spouses at some point during the course of their relationship.   Along the way, I put together some crucial Q […]

Review of No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached claims to be the best website to get you hooked-up and into an affair on the internet. I definitely rate it in my top 3 for the following reasons; There are lots of members, at no strings attached and most of them are pretty decent which is what you want, because the […]

Review of Erotic Affairs

Finding an affair online is a numbers game, so you’ll want to find a site that offers a decent membership base. You also want somewhere that has limited fake profiles, so you don’t waste all your time chatting up a bald guy in some seedy cubicle trying to pass himself off as a busty blonde […]

Step 1 : Basic Mistakes Men Make Which MUST Be Avoided When Having A Discreet Affair!

So you’ve decided to find an affair! You’ve established you don’t want to leave you wife despite the pathetic state of your love life, but you want sex on the side! The most difficult part of cheating once you have decided to do it, is getting away with it! Wives are watching their partners every […]